Quaker Meadows Apartments: Fire Evacuation Procedures
Please read the following Fire Evacuation plan, share it with your family and save it for future reference. These instructions are for your safety and that of your family in a fire. At the bottom of the page, please find instructions for the use of a fire extinguisher.
In Case of Fire in Your Apartment
The Management company has installed fire extinguishers in every kitchen of every apartment and on every third floor of each 3-floor townhouse. They have been installed for your safety and use, but you are not expected to put out any fire if you don't feel capable of it. Your safety and the safety of your family come first. Assess the situation and decide how to proceed.
If you discover a fire in your apartment and feel you are not able to extinguish it safely, leave your apartment IMMEDIATELY. Close the door behind you and pull the fire alarm station in the first-floor lobby.
Exit the building and wait for further instructions from the Fire Department personnel.
Note: You, along with your family, should determine a place outside the building where all
In Case The Fire Alarm Sounds
Feel the inside of your apartment door to determine if it is hot. If the door is hot DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR. The fire has reached the hallway. Place a wet towel along the bottom edge of the door. Then try the alternate escape door. If that is hot, do the same. Remain in your apartment and wait for further instructions from the Fire Department.
If your apartment door is not hot, stand behind the door and open it slowly. If you see or smell smoke, but conditions allow and you are physically able, proceed down the stairwell, staying low and to the right side. Using the handrail for safety.
Those residents who need assistance downstairs, please wait in your apartment until Fire Department personnel come to take you out of the building.
EXIT: 4. Know your fire exit route. If the exit you normally use is blocked, use an alternate exit (REAR HALLWAY OR BALCONY).
Special instructions For Three Floor Townhouses
Special Instructions For Three Floor Townhouses
Fire Ladders: A Fire ladder is provided in the three-story townhouses. In a fire, the alternative route for residents on the third (3rd) floor would be down the fire ladder. The fire ladder is in a fire safe box in front of the windows in the third-floor bedroom. This box should not be blocked in any way. It is there for your safety in a fire.
Procedure For Using Fire Ladder: open the window, take out the screen, open cover to fire ladder box and start feeding it out the open window. Make sure that it is not twisted, take it out until it is fully extended. Climb onto the windowsill, turn, and face the building while holding onto the ladder rungs. Slowly step from one rung to the next with your feet while grabbing one rung to the next until you have reached the bottom. Go to You Designated Family Safe Area.
Under No Circumstances Should You Re-enter Your Apartment Until the Fire Department Has Deemed It Safe to Do So.